Sunday, November 17, 2013

F*CK YOU OCD! Day 2.

Hey everyone,

This post is dedicated to my 2nd day of the operation: F*CK YOU OCD.

Honestly, since I declared yesterday that I am going to completely ignore and do the opposite of what my OCD tells me, I have been quite OCD free (not ENTIRELY of course). I guess what it really takes is a simple decision that you are going to conquer your fears ALL AT ONCE. But in a way, you're still conquering them ONE AT A TIME.

My current fear still has to do with asking my mom to repeat a phrase on saturday at a certain time. It has to do with the bump on my finger caused by trichotilomania. I swear, because it's a bump, it makes the obsession that much more real, and I just can't SHAKE IT OUT OF MY HEAD! Who knows, I might give in next week, I might not. Besides, my OCD is telling me that I can't even attempt to quit smoking until I perform this ritual. OMG OCD. You make NO SENSE!

I feel the one thing that keeps me going through is my newly developed tendency to fully express my OCD. And I found that the best way is to blog. It helps me ventilate all of the OCD misery out, and also helps me keep track of what has helped me.

Becoming a master of our OCD is definitely extremely difficult and arduous. It takes A LOT of time and effort, but with the right push and techniques, hopefully, we can get there.

So here's a toast, to my hopeful attempt, at beating my OCD.

With love,

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