Saturday, November 16, 2013

Journaling: A REALLY good way to deal with OCD

Hey everyone,

I found out a REALLY good way to deal with OCD. It can work probably for all types of obsessions. The thing with OCD is that as soon as you satisfy the ritual of one obsession, you are immediately faced with another one right away. If not, of course, the same one. So what we need to do is find a coping mechanism to live with this frantic disorder.

What you need, all you need, is a pen, and if you want, a small notebook. As soon as an obsession comes surging in your head, I want you to write that obsession down, in abbreviated terms if you can. For example, if your obsession is to close the door 4 more times after you've closed it once, you write, "CD 1-5". CD as in close door. And then write under it, "Day 1". And then, "Goal: Day 2". That way, you can say, "I'm going to resist the compulsion until Day 2. Then, if the obsession happens to last for a whole day, which I doubt it, then you set another goal to Day 3, and so on.

The simple action of writing something down can be really helpful in predicting the alternate possibilities of what you can do instead of giving into the ritual. For example, my current obsession is to go to a certain website and scroll up the page around 30 times! It's SOOO DISTRESSING! The anxiety associated with it is very high. I know it's silly, scrolling up a web page, but we all know how OCD is limitless in manifestations, because the mind is limitless!

Try this Journaling technique. It might work for you!

With love,

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