Saturday, November 16, 2013


Hey everyone,

I've decided to go long for a BIG CHALLENGE. I realized that maybe, just maybe, the only way to get over OCD is to quit COLD TURKEY. Most psychiatrists or OCD mentors would suggest starting small, and then build your way up the ladder towards the finish line where you can say that you've fully treated your OCD.

So what I'm going to try to do is to keep going through the days with completely doing the OPPOSITE of what my OCD tells me to do, and to continue on forward, while blogging my progress. I believe that blogging will play an important roll in this process because it not only ventilates the pain that you're enduring by resisting the compulsions, but it'll also help you keep track of your progress.

Right now, there are MANY OCD hears swirling around in my head. And maybe, it's EASIER to get rid of them all AT ONCE.

One of the OCD fears that I just challenged had something to do with my cigarette smoking. After I smoke the cigarette and turn it off in a certain way, I have to step once to the left, and then before stepping with my right leg, I breath out. IT'S RIDICULOUS! And I admit, it's HILARIOUS.

One of my main OCD fears is that I can't QUIT SMOKING without asking my mom to repeat a certain phrase that has to do with the bump on my finger caused by trichotilomania on saturday at 3:33 or 6:33 or 9:33 or some other certain time. It's complete bogus! So maybe, when I go on to conquering most of my fears, this one will slide.

Now, an obsession just popped up about this post, and to edit something in particular. I know it's my OCD, so I'll say NO! F*CK YOU OCD!

I'll keep you all posted.

With love,

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