Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The tricks of OCD

Hey everyone,

Something that seriously disturbs me are the tricks and sly moves that OCD plays to keep you trapped in its lair of doom. It slides to the right and left, and makes you think, "Hey, this obsession is different than the others. You HAVE to do it!" I'm sure all of you have gone through this. It's really pissing off!


I read once that people with OCD have very small 'stress buckets', and we have to empty it as much as we can, because if we don't, we might end up being hospitalized. And we don't want that.

My current obsession has to do with clicking on a certain button on a certain webpage on my blog, and as soon as the window pops us, I have to breath in. I KNOW! THAT SOUNDS RIDICULOUS. But that's what I have. It's all about numbers to me. I did it once already, so I have to make it 6 times. So I ahev five times left. Go back to the web page, click on button, wait for window to pop up, breath in, then do it until I reach six times. LOOOOL. It's hilarious, I know. But that's just how random OCD can be.

Since OCD is of the mind, and we know that the mind has limitless imagination, then we can conclude that the realm of OCD's manifestations are limitless.

Again I say, hopefully, if we all join in together with love, then we may get through this, together.

With love,

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